Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's been awhile

I really wanted to keep up to date on this but it seems like I never can. Things have been a nightmare since the middle of Jan and poor Braiden is stuck in the middle of it all. He's had IV antibiotics, doing wound care and now he's got a wound vac attached to him. He's been so sick and it's hard to tell if he's sick from all the meds or the MRSA. He's been out of school for almost 4 weeks now and he hates it. He misses his friends. Not only is having to deal with this stuff, he's starting to tighten up. He can't go to his routine physical therapy because of where the wound vac is placed. He's got to be really really careful when he moves. His back is hurting since he's been pretty much confined to his stomach. I am proud of him though. He's been a trooper. I always love having him home with me because he's such a goof. He makes the day go by faster and we are laughing almost the whole time.
As for me and school, it's going.. lol.. I have completed 6 modules so far and about finished on my 7th. I have a 3.75 GPA and I have 19.5 credits. My next class is principles of finance. So far I've done, Psychology, English, Business Math, Computer Applications, and Management Principles. Right now I'm in Business Practices. I can't wait to take the Federal Tax class as well as Business Law. I hope I'm smart enough for those.
The rest of my family is doing great. We had a short downfall because I was stupid enough to let another nephew move in. This time Eric kicked him out just short of a month. He was working on his GED but that didn't last long. He wanted to be out with friends partyian while we took care of him. When he left here, he told everyone I was a bitch because I didn't let him do anything. I was like ok, I'll play your silly little games. I didn't let him do anything on the nights he had class was all but lets see, he never worked and we took care of his butt the whole time he was here w/out question. I just don't know what I did to deserve the crap that's been thrown at me anymore. OO well, life goes on.


Edeninc said...

Here's a thought...don't let any more loafing, gold-digging pseudo relatives live with you. Ever. Again. Ever. Just say NO!!!

I hope Braiden gets to feeling better soon. You are such an amazing Mom. I'm very proud of you.

Just a piece of my boring life :) said...

Yea, it took me a few times seeings how they are family but I did learn my lesson. Each time they leave and the things they say, makes it easier to say no. My other nephew has been back for awhile and hasn't stopped by or anything. It's all good though, I'm done and I'm not going to allow it to happen ANY more!!