Friday, January 16, 2009

My turn

Sorry it took me so long but here it is :)

My 16 random things~

1. I am bias about my kids but they are the most thoughtful, fun loving, heart warming, helpful bunch. I couldn't be prouder.

2. My heart is always on my sleeve and I always end up getting hurt.

3. I dwell to much on the little things.

4. One of my sons is going to be taking drivers ed next year and just thinking about it makes me sick.

5. Trying to plan a 16th Birthday party is harder then I thought.

6. I have tendencies of being over paranoid.

7. I want to move. Not to far though. I don't think the kids could handle being that far from there Grandma.

8. I want to learn how to ride a dirt bike.

9. I love camping but worry to much about the bears.

10. Trying to quit smoking for the 2nd time and hoping it will be easier.

11. I can never make up my mind. I want a dog, a new car, furniture.. but I keep putting it off because I'm to indecisive. I never thought changing cell phone providers would be so hard either.

12. I am weak. In more ways then one.

13. I have a slight fear of never seeing my nieces and nephews again but on the other hand, it's been nice not having them around to worry about and to be able to focus on my own family.

14. My 14th wedding anniversary is in July. My mom said we wouldn't last a year.

15. I drink to much mountain dew.

16. I really hope that Braiden's surgery works. I don't know how he's going to handle things if he can't walk better then he does now. He's strong, he's a fighter and he deserves it.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is feel good......

Edeninc said...

I drink too much Mt. Dew too. Imagine that!